All About
Scott Grace
The Nine Lives Of One Cool Cat
#4 - The Corporate Years
Scott’s wardrobe went from casual to business when he brought his talents to the corporate world. Again, he was hired to compose songs on the spot about the items on their agenda, lightening up the often boring boardrooms with lively humor. In that life, he was known as The Boardroom Bard.
#9 Life Coach-Mentor-Guide
Scott’s first coaching client knocked on his door in 1985. Since then, he has always considered it sacred to work one-on-one with people, his clientele growing solely through word-of-mouth Over the years his coaching practice has become his greatest joy.
Scott loves using his empathic ears and intuitive gifts to hone in on what people most need, helping them to see their blind spots with empathy and compassion. He assists his clients in rapid shifts though the Emotional Freedom Technique, now mostly known as tapping.
Most sessions end with a spontaneous song, which, of course, gets recorded.
Life #2 - An Opening Act
Scott first made a name for himself by opening for big names, rock star authors and personal growth celebrities like Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Ram Dass, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Byron Katie, Dr. John Gray, Jack Canfield, Alan Cohen, Joan Borysenko, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Brown, Dr. Judith Orloff, Wally Famous Amos and others -- including three presidential candidates, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Dennis Kucinich, and Marianne Williamson. He was hired to take the themes of their presentations, create music and lyrics on the spot, and sing from his heart to an amazed audience.
It took people’s breath away.
#3: Traveling Troubadour
In time, Scott broke out as a solo artist, touring North and Central America, Europe and Africa (well, just Egypt, but Africa sounds more exotic), performing both humorous and touching anthems for those on a personal growth journey. From 1987 to 2004, Scott created four cassettes and nine CD’s of his original songs.
#5 - Stand Up
Humor was always a part of his work, but secretly Scott harbored the fantasy of doing professional stand-up, smuggling personal growth and spirituality across the border to unsuspecting audiences. In 2008, he broke the ice at various Bay Area Comedy Clubs and made enough of a splash that he was soon opening for Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, and a host of big name performers when they passed through Northern California.
He called his brand Conscious Comedy, as his content contrasted with most comedians who used their chops to make fun of people, circumstances, and themselves. Instead, Scott’s humor contained vastly more up-lifts than put-downs, and always made his audience feel better about themselves and more glad to be alive.
#6 - The Spiritual Dr. Seuss
One night after reading his daughter a Dr. Seuss bedtime story, Scott could not get the good doctor out of his head. He went to the computer and started transcribing the rhymes he was receiving. The Spiritual Dr. Seuss, Scott’s altered-ego, was born.
The combination of entertainment and enlightenment went viral on YouTube. His only gripe about being the Dr. Seuss for adults is when it's bedtime after a performance he literally cannot stop rhyming.
#7 Song Portrait Artist
Since 1985 Scott has been creating personalized songs to support and cheer people on.This gift, while having quite an impact on the recipient, was never in high demand. In 2012, it dawned on him that most people are far more willing to lavish their loved ones than to treat themselves to a memorable experience. Thus, the business of crafting custom songs to give as gifts was launched. Since then, he has been joyously busy writing and recording Song Portraits for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, memorial services, and for no reason at all.
#8 - Bestselling Author
Along the way Scott has written four books that fit nicely in both the self-help/spirituality section and the comedy/memoir aisle of a bookstore, if bookstores are still a thing at the time you are reading this. Astoundingly, all his books have spent at least 52 weeks on top of the NY Times Bestseller list. (Scott’s secret? When each of his books came out, he cut out the NY Times Bestseller list and placed a copy on top of it for a year.) His current book is Mindful Masculinity: A Book for Men and the Women Who Love Them.
Life After Sixty: The Reclining Years
These days, Scott hangs his sombrero in Ajijic, Mexico, in a semi-retirement community called Namaste Village, where he practices being semi-retired, semi-serious, and fully committed to transforming the world, one heart and mind at a time.
Life #1 - An Outlaw in New York City
From age 18 to 25, Scott hustled the streets as an unlicensed street peddler, selling laundry bags (illegally) to pay the bills. After years of being chased by the police, he decided to chase his dreams instead, dreams of being a fulltime singer, speaker, and workshop leader. Gradually, his popularity increased until 1990, when he sold his last laundry bag, moved to California, and became a full-time performer. The story of how he successfully got off the streets and went From Bags to Riches has tickled, touched and inspired many.