Coaching, Guidance, & Mentoring for Men & Women

Kind Words
"Scott, your coaching, along with your tapping and healing songs at the end of each session, has helped me in my business and my life more than I can say. Bless you for all the years of inspiration and emotional nourishment you have given me. Thank you!"
— Terry Brussel Phd, CCHt Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
"By the time our hour of coaching was up, I seemed to have shifted into a completely new mindset. Within a few days I felt like a new man! Scott, I'm not sure what you did or how you did it, but I thank you from the depths of my being!"
- David T, Quackertown PA
“Scott accomplished more for me in three hours than most therapists achieve in three years.”
~ Sheila Abrams, School Teacher, Huntington Station, NY"
"I haven't felt so deeply seen or touched on so many levels at once for a long time. Perhaps ever in my adult life. My heart is still buzzing and I feel like I've gracefully shifted back to a way of being that I'd lost touch with, a state of ease, joy, spontaneity and, yes, humor!"
-Michael Boyd, United Kingdom
“I feel honored to serve those who are committed to making major changes, inside themselves and out”
Ready to Dive Deep?
I like to say that I am not here to help you feel better, but to help you better feel, which, paradoxically, helps you feel better.
I assist you to find the courage to face the fears, grief, anger, and self-judgment that might be blocking your ability to access joy, love, prosperity, and freedom..
Sometimes that involves saying no to what’s been draining your energy, so you can turn your attention to what lights you up, but also scares the sh*t out of you.
This is brave work, and it does not have to be done alone.
I cheer you, guide you, and walk with you through the hard stuff.
I work with all the common modern day stressors - anxiety, overwhelm, depression, low self-esteem, and trauma using EFT Tapping and other modalities.
I also excel at inner critic and inner child healing, grief resolution, couples counseling, teaching communication skills, unblocking creativity, and creating a kinder and gentler relationship with yourself and others.
Where do I begin? Where did I begin? I started both therapy and meditation practice in my teen years. I spent the 1980’s taking every course I could grab offered by the Loving Relationships Training and ISLP, International Seminar Leadership Program. I led my first workshop at age 21 and had my first coaching client at age 23. For two decades I studied with Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of Non Violent Communication. From there I immersed myself in courses and classes in Energy Psychology methods, my favorite being EFT Tapping.
Between 2006 and 2008 I developed my psychic, intuitive skills at the Aesclepion Intuitive Training Institute in San Rafael, CA.
Along the way, I’ve apprenticed myself to a number of coaches, healers, and even a few shamans.
“I have been in training to support you my whole life.”
How Do Sessions Happen?
These days it’s mostly through Zoom. If you live or are visiting the Lake Chapala area of Mexico, you are most welcome to come to my casita for an in person session.
Mi casa es su casa.
What Might A Session Include?
“The personalized songs Scott’s creates at the close of his sessions are one of the most significant healing tools I have ever come across. The combination of music with affirmation goes deep into the subconscious to help effortlessly release old patterns. It’s the medicine of the future”
An Example of Scott Tapping with a Client
The Song Composed For The Same Client
At the beginning we establish rapport. I listen. Not just with my ears, but with all my intuitive faculties. I empathize and offer feedback. At some point in the session I facilitate EFT tapping to help clear physical, emotional, and mental blockages. And finally, for those who are open to it, I create a spontaneous personal support song, voice and guitar. It’s usually very moving, and even people who haven’t cried in a long time leak a few tears. Most people want the song, the tapping, and sometimes the entire session recorded.
As the session closes, I offer what I affectionately call homework - suggestions and practices to support your journey, until we meet again…
How Long Do People Stay in a Coaching Relationship With Me?
Short term coaching can be helpful. Usually in only one session a big shift takes place. Some people come to me every so often for a tune-up. Others only contact me when in crisis. But often, significant and lasting change requires greater consistency and commitment. For this reason I offer financial incentive for those who commit to a package of sessions.
“I love my life. I want you to love yours.
If I can help, let me know”
Choose Your Plan
Singe Introductory Session
Five Session Package
(Save $150)
Seven Session Package
(Save $200)
Ten Session Package
(Save $250)
Payment can be done through Zelle, Credit Card, or PayPal.

“Talk about lather, rinse, and repeat! I just repeated the two tapping sessions we have done so far and it is amazing the relief and “good vibrations” I felt once I was done with each of them. It was as if I had done them for the first time. One of them even brought me to tears! The same with the songs! — I will continue doing them daily and enjoying the shifting and healing process as a result. The way you explain things, relay messages from guides and then put them into perspective is a healing all on its own, but then you combine it with tapping and your healing song and it takes it to a whole other level! Thank you again for bringing clarity, insight, and hope to hush down my fears, and melt them away, one step at a time!”
~ Y. Mehmeti
More Kind Words
Scott, thank you so very much for such a powerful, healing, life changing experience. I feel light and calm, which is 100% the opposite of what I was feeling at the beginning of our session. I also feel excited about the possibilities that are opened up/are opening up as a result of shifting my energy with you. I will for sure forward your information to those I love and care for, especially those who drive me the most crazy!
~ Yola. NYC
“I left our wonderful session feeling so peaceful. I laughed so much & cried…good cry. I keep re-reading the notes I took during the session.The song that you created for me was so beautiful, so true and affirming. I can’t write much more now because I’m still high on your song… I truly think it was a life-changer. God bless you, Scott.”
~ Pat Valles
“Scott, it was easy for me to trust you – you made it easy. You tuned into me so well in every way. You were present and open to what wanted to happen and to come through. Our time together was just plain wonderful.”
~ Nicola Amadora